How to Change the Font of a Paragraph Style in Google Docs

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Google Docs

It is very beginner friendly to use google docs, but mastering paragraph styles would take you to next level. Get to know how to customize them.

What Are Paragraph Styles?

Paragraph styles are basically predefined collections of formatting that you will be using to a text block. For example, you can highlight the text by making the font bold and increase the font size.

  • Changing the visual formatting of a paragraph is, for instance, adjusting the font family, color and spacing properties.
  • Bring semantic value to your document by adding different roles such as “Heading” and “Subtitle” to your document.

Styles are helpful in the creation of cleaner and better formatted documents. Using the paragraph styles, you can do–for instance–enlarge all your headings in one step, instead of each heading every time. Another way of using this feature is to create a table of contents or document outline.

The paragraph styling is widely used among word processors, but terminology can change from processor to processor. They might be called “Styles” (Microsoft word), “Document Styles” (canva), or “Paragraph Styles” (Pages, Google Docs).

How Do You Use Paragraph Styles in Google Docs?

1. Choose the paragraph you are going to modify. You can pick any of the sentences within the paragraph, or move the cursor to that paragraph.

Google Docs styles

2. Select the Styles from the drop-down menu. Ordinarily it is pre-set to show “Normal text”, and is located between the Zoom and Font drop-downs.

Google Docs styles

3. Just point the mouse on the heading of the style of paragraph you’d like to use.

4. This will give us a pop up menu from which we just need to click on Apply ‘<name>’. And, instead of typing the whole name, you can simply click on the first letter of the name, making it more convenient for you.

Google Docs styles

Google Docs will not spoil your creativity as you can only edit a few elements like Title, Subtitle and some headings.

How Do You Change a Paragraph Style?

Then, let’s suppose that you don’t like the appearance of the paragraph style which means that you are eager to change its look. Well, you can change the formatting of each paragraph style with a simple process:Well, you can change the formatting of each paragraph style with a simple process:

  • Simple Structure: Apply the paragraph structure by following the steps in the preceding section.
  • Make whatever format you require to. For example, highlights the letters, or modify the style.
  • Hover mouse to the Styles dropdown.
  • Hover the paragraph-style name that you would like to change.
  • Select an appropriate submenu item named Update ‘<name>’ to match the alert text.
  • Therefore, this is the moment when the paragraph style that has been adopted already in the document will apply.

It is one of the features in Google Docs that focuses on giving you a preview of each paragraph style by a preview drop down menu and finally gives you the changes seen there.

Paragraph styles may look like they’re the most trivial feature, but once you use them you realize how impossible it is to type out good-looking documents without them.

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